Thursday, November 13, 2008

Sarah's Special Day

Today, November 13th, is our sweet baby girl's "Born into Heaven" day. 5 years ago today Sarah Dawn had exited this world before ever entering it. How lucky she is to be able to walk the streets of Heaven with our Creator. In the beginning I thought the emptiness and pain would never subside. But you know, when you get up every day, it eventually gets easier. The memory of her sweet little body and tiny fingers and toes can still bring tears to my eyes. I believe it always will. I will never forget her and how she has changed our family. It has taken many years to see the "blessings". I never got to kiss her sleepy head. There were never any of those firsts. First word, first pony tails, first time crawling...walking. Never hearing her say "Mama". No potty training, no learning to read, no learning to ride a bike. I guess I will have to be patient and wait for the eternal life that is promised to us to see and meet her once again. In the meantime I will carry her in my heart. Mommy loves you Sarah.


Katherine said...

Pam, what a sacred place. We believe that "mothers will have the joy, the pleasure and satisfaction of nurturing their child that have past on, after its resurrection, until it reaches the full stature of its spirit and that it would be a far greater joy than she could possibly have in mortality, because she would be free from the sorrow and fear and disabilities of mortal life, and she would know more than she could know in this life." Joseph Smith. Won't that be a beautiful time? I love you Pam

Carol said...

Pam, you should become a writer. You can write such wonderful tear jerking things, I love you and understand what you are going through.