Sunday, May 23, 2010

Victoria Sewing

Victoria has been begging me to learn to sew and that she wanted to sew a blanket for her doll Emily. I cut the pieces out and she guided it through the machine. She tried the foot pedal and boy did I feel out of control. I was relieved that she would rather guide it and control the back stitching. She is a fearless child. All the kids have always been fascinated by the sewing machine and spent alot of time sitting in my lap as babies watching the needle. I taught them at a very early age that they can sit there but keep their hands down. They always did.
She is very proud of her blanket with a spaghetti face and missing teeth. She backed it with a pink striped fabric. I sewed a pillow and the snowman pillowcase. It turned out really cute. She has a spoiled dolly.


Katherine said...

Well done, Victoria. I didn't even notice the spaghetti face.

Carol said...

Victoria you are one awesome sweet wonderful little girl.