Saturday, July 22, 2017

Playing with the Kids

Little Chloe, being the runt, gets pushed out of the way at feeding time so we have bottled fed her since day one. She took to a bottle instantly because the little thing was hungry. 
So now when it is feeding time the others attack their mother's udders and little Chloe stands at the gate waiting for her bottle. She is the sweetest little goat.
She reminds me a lot of her mama. Lizzy has always been very sweet.
My cousin Kathy works in Logan occasionally so now we get to see her more frequently.
She even spends the night on our couch. I love it. Kathy is awesome.
She has always been someone whom I have loved and respected since I was very small.
 Goats are very entertaining.
Need I say more.
 Right when we are playing with the kids, Lightening comes out of the bushes and wants some lovin.
 One of the little boys saw Lightening as another goat....obviously because he jumped over Lightening. Lightening turned around and kind of looked at him like
"what did you do that for?"

Bear Lake Blown Away

The wind kicked up at Bear Lake causing our awning to attempt to fly away.
Kaleb rescued a ball with one of the kayaks, that got away from a group of kids playing.
We all got a workout paddling back into shore
It still turned out to be an awesome day.

Visiting with the Darts

It was so good to visit with Susanna and Emily. We would have loved to have been able to visit with Rachelle but she got called away to early. It was great catching up with their lives and their future plans. It's hard to believe that our families have been friends since Kaleb was 5 months old, 17 years ago. I loved listening to the conversations going on between them.

Pouring Buckets!

A summer rainstorm caught Kirk out in the shop for quite some time. He got tired of waiting for it to let up so he grabbed the kiddie pool as an umbrella.
The chickens were trying to get in out of the was quite a scene with him walking under the pool behind the chickens trying to get the last frazzled hens in out of the rain.

Water Balloon Fight!

 I love that no matter how old they get they still like to "play" together!
The only part that is different is they 
throw harder,
hit their target more,
fall harder,
and play more rough!
 Victoria's only defense is the hose.....
that will last only so long!

Hello World!

Chloe is such a sweet girl!

;New Kids!

 Our sweet doe Lizzy had QUADRUPLETS!
No wonder why she was so huge so early!
There were FOUR babies in there.
If they were all girls I would keep them all.
We have our hands full with Jacks and Sven as it is so we are only going 
to keep one little doe with blue eyes that Victoria named Chloe.
The other three little guys we are looking for a home. Two have blue eyes and one has brown.
Boy are they cute!

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Checking out Bear Lake

Jared, who has been working in Bear Lake for the past year has been telling us that the lake is very full. We decided to see what the parking situation was like since we are planning on heading to Bear Lake on Monday for the 4th of July. Of course, we had to stay a little while since we were there.
Jared even stopped by after work and ate a late lunch.
 I have never seen the water level this high. It is awesome!
We had awesome snow this past winter and boy has it paid off!
 My sweet country girl Daphne with her shade hat and loads of sunscreen on.
 We brought the sun lizard Nana, with us.
She is always game to do just about anything.
But she said that she won't float down the canal 
with us because the water is too cold.
 Notice anything different about this gorgeous girl Victoria?
She found me a tiny heart rock perfectly shaped.
Have you figured it out yet?
No More Braces!
She has a beautiful smile. We all keep staring at her.
She looks so different. She was a beautiful girl before but those teeth!
I love that smile!
I actually think her dimples show more.
 And if you know Victoria, you know that there is a lot of goofiness too!
 Happy Summer!

Baby Hawk

We have a hawk's nest in our Norwegian Spruce that is a super old and super tall right in our front yard. We have been watching the mother bring it mice. Our poor chickens will run for cover into the bushes when they see the mother swoop over the yard. You can tell when the mother leaves the nest because the baby will repetitively cry until she returns.
 For it being a baby it sure is large.
 I love watching all the butterflies that summer brings.
They are so beautiful.
They have a purpose and a daily mission. If you watch them long enough, we have noticed their pattern for checking out each flower for nectar. It is really interesting.

Thunder's Nap

This crazy kitten cracks us up almost every day.
Say "that" 10 times fast.
Thunder will seek out someone almost every day so you can hold her while she takes her nap.
She literally wanted in Daphne's arms and immediately snuggled in for her nap.
We don't mind, if there is a book nearby to read.....

Bathing Mr. Peabody

If you know anything about billy goats, you know they stink.
And you will know why they stink.
It's bath day because he stinks!
And Jacks doesn't like it when it rains, therefore he doesn't like to be bathed.
But he weathered quite well and didn't create too many problems.
We figured we might as well bathe Sven too.
It's good to get them used to doing all sorts of things.
We already know that he can scale a 5 foot fence from a stand still 
so we thought we would find out how he does with the hose and water.
He is really cute so, right now he can do just about anything and get away with it.
Though we wouldn't let him nibble on Victoria's pony tail....his favorite thing.
Our pregnant mama, Lizzy is about to give birth any day now.
I love our garden.
I love to eat what comes out of it too.
Since this picture has been taken, our plants have tripled in size.
It always amazes me how awesome Our Lord's creations are.