Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Sledding in the Sinks

One of our favorite things to do.
Go sledding.
All those that are able. Unfortunately, I have a swollen knee from our backpacking trip last summer! UGH! So that left me on snow shoes and at the top of the hill.
Oh well.
I love watching the kids go down and seeing how long it takes them to trek back up.
Kaleb rode down the mountain with snowshoes on so he could get back up the hill better.
I think his theory worked.
 When did these guys get so old?
 We spent a few hours sledding and snow shoeing (Kaleb and I)
and then headed over to Bear Lake.
 Kirk looks like a mountain man with his beard.
 Daphne is on the donut tube and the little spec treking up the hill.

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