Wednesday, July 10, 2019

First Camping Trip of Summer

The river in Smithfield Canyon is mighty high this year.
We have had so much rain added with snow melt makes for a lot of water.
I loved it. It was so loud that you couldn't really talk to anyone in the near vicinity which meant that the dogs didn't hear us at all. So we actually had to keep the away from the water.
There was much needed relaxin' goin' on.
Kaleb heckles Kirk all the time. Here he is mimicing his Dad.
Jasper found the biggest limb he could find to drag around with him.
A smiling man is essential when vacationing.
Like I said, a smiling man is essential to vacationing even though he came up late
 and stayed over night. It was hard coordinating a camping trip with 5 adults in the house. I literally put a sign up sheet on the cabinet to find out for sure who was coming and when so I could plan food.
We turned around and got a glimpse of Henry. We have no idea what he actually rolled in.
 But that's Henry for you. 
This little part of the river usually doesn't have this little side creek. It was quite deep right here, overflowing to the side of the main river.
I never grow tired of watching moving water. 
Kaleb rode his bike up after work on Friday and then rode his bike home on 
Sunday...hence the hawaiian shirt since it was Sunday.
 Kaleb has been adding up as many miles as he can on his bike at a time.
He has also adopted his Dad's old pair of bike gloves. 

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