Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Lame-O Camping

I demanded a camping trip to somewhere peaceful and quiet, 
next to water, under some trees.
I didn't win. Kirk was too tired and didn't want to go anywhere for the weekend
so we stayed at home. He did pull the trailer over to the trees for me to stay in.
I was determined to spend the entire weekend outside.
I succeeded at that complete with cooking out and a campfire.
It's crazy what you will settle for when you are desperate.
I was desperate to stay put and spend it outside.
I left my phone in the house all weekend.
It was actually kind of nice.
I did run an extension cord to our electric griddle. It did make flipping pancakes a little easier.
The turkeys and the chickens were a little bummed because we didn't let them out all weekend. So they would stand at the gate and STARE at us the entire time.
I felt bad...for a moment.

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