Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Winter Show

Both Daphne and Victoria skated in the Winter Show this year.
Daphne was very excited to be almost Jared's 6'3"
Victoria skated to "Mary did you Know" by Scotty McCreary. She sprained her MCL back in August. After the Winter Show, she will be in a heavy duty knee brace and off the ice for 6 weeks while doing physical therapy to rehabilitate her knee. She was really worried about her program because they had to take out all jumps out of her program. She only did fancy foot work and spins. She pulled it off and skated beautifully. I don't think anyone even noticed that she didn't do any jumps. 
We are so proud of Daphne. She skated to Dancing in the Light. She did some moves that she didn't feel comfortable doing and was able to do it well. I'm so glad that she skated her program for the show. She was beautiful.
Kaleb announced the entire show. I love hearing his voice over the loud speaker. He announced Daphne as his Beautiful Sister and Victoria his Firey Tempered Sister. It was awesome!
Victoria loves her coach Julie!
Julie is the best and really understands teen girls really well, especially for being a Mama to 4 adorable little boys!

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