Saturday, June 6, 2020

Dinner at Bear Lake

We packed up our dinner on a Friday Night and brought it to Bear Lake.
The drive through the canyon was beautiful.
Kirk cooked up the hot dogs and accidently dropped one on the ground.
Jasper was hungry the whole time because Victoria uses hot dogs as training treats for 4H.
She gave him the hot dog that fell on the ground and he honestly didn't know what to do with it.
It that was Henry he would have swallowed it whole. Jasper, he mouthed it a couple times, held it in his mouth like a cigar and finally chewed a hunk off. It was funny watching him figure it out.
The wind kicked up and the waves kicked up as well.
It was beautiful.
Victoria took this picture of Jasper.
Her buddy

We came through the canyon when it was dark. It was a little nerve wracking because deer were everywhere. You just hope that they don't jump out in front of you.
I think my neck was stiff by the time we got home because I felt like I was preparing myself for one to jump out in front of us. It didn't happen but they were so close to the road it was crazy. They could have easily done it.

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