Monday, September 4, 2023

May Forgotten!

 Dang, I forgot May!

Why does Summer go SO FAST and Winter goes by SO SLOWLY!?

Doug is getting brushed for the umpteenth millionth time! 
The St. Bernard in him sheds like no body's business!
Look at that Face? 
Cowboy Church and Troop 1 were at Mountain Man Rendezvous at American West Heritage Center. Kaleb and a few of the scouts had fun activities at their booth all day. Kaleb is such a great guy to the scouts. He is very encouraging to the boys and jumps right in along side to do the fun and the hard stuff. Kaleb dug out his Scout Blanket that I made for him. We have sewn all of the project patches on from his Cub Scout days all the way to Eagle and beyond. I loved reminescing over the patches.
Next to our booth, Victoria led a roping activity. It was fun to see how many people wanted to try their hand at roping. A couple experienced people walked up and did it lickety split. 

Pastor Larry and Wasatch's musicians were here playing music. 
He has been an amazing mentor for Kirk. I have always prayed for Kirk to have Godly men put in his path and Pastor Larry is definitely one of them. He is so funny. He has so many experiences in life and almost all of them are funny. We just love this guy!

Victoria exhibiting Doug's massive ears!
Victoria was getting her Remicade infusion, blood was backing up into the tubing. She was like..." this supposed to happen??" She sent the picture to the boys.

Kayaking the Reservoir
Kirk and I were in the canoe. It was peaceful to just get out on the water.
Victoria still has an abdominal drain which means that using those muscles make it very painful. We weren't sure if she could use her paddle board without killing herself so she stayed sitting down. We eventually tied a rope to her and dragged her around the reservoir. We just adapted. It was good to see her out doing something in spite of the pain that she is always in. We were expecting the fistula to close and for the drain to be removed....but it is still here.

Doug's head is heavy so he rests it on the window sill to look out the window.

I bought Brody this ball. You put treats in them and the more he rolls it around the more treats fall out. I might drill more holes though, it seemed kind of hard. I could tell he was starting to get frustrated.
The 4H Dog Program went on a hike around Benson for a Fit Dog activity. 
Victoria made it out but almost didn't make it back because she was in so much abdominal and drain pain. Will there ever be a time that we don't have to think twice about an activity?

The dogs were playing chase and I turned around and saw Doug standing on the picnic table. I think he was trying to catch his breath.
Merk likes to hang out and watch Brody. I was brushing him.
Jared's new trailer. 30 ft Goose Neck.
No room for ME!
Kaleb is setting up for an Orienteering course that he is making for the Scouts. Any opportunity to get out on the trail is enough for me! I'm there! Victoria too.
 The three of us have FOMO. Fear Of Missing Out. 
We had to keep turing around and make sure Victoria was still with us. She would normally be in the front blazing the trail but now her body isn't cooperating very well. I'm glad she's still trying.

This is proof that I am actually here.
Douglas Spillith Over
Doug spent all this time digging a hole. It was looking pretty deep. He turned around a couple times like he was going to get in it and take a nap in the cool dirt only to find out that his back legs are the only thing that fits in it. Oh well.

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