Monday, May 28, 2012

Green Canyon

 I bet you can guess why this canyon next to our house is called
Green Canyon.
I won't tell you why.  I'll let you figure it out.
It won't be that hard.
 Well, it rained more in the past two days than it ever did
in a year's time in Phoenix.
We weren't sure if we were going to get out for a hike for Memorial Day.
I still can't believe that this beautiful area is practically in our back yard.
 There is just something about a fence and it begging to be climbed.
It is hard to believe that the little one may someday grow taller than the big one.
Hmm.  We'll have to see about that one.
 I looked at this path today. It was completely quiet because all the chatter was way up ahead.  I actually had a few moments to myself. In just looking at this picture, one could question, where does it lead.  I think about our lives at this very moment and can look back on the path that we have been on.  I see a very long journey that has lead us into greener pasture.  I look ahead, and I have absolutely no idea where we are going.
That is the beauty of Life.
 I think I'll just follow the guy with the Kilt.
 My giant of a son. Always needing to be in the front. 
Has a very long stride. Will not hike behind anyone.  Especially Victoria.
And loves to see what is just ahead or around the bend.
Always wants to go a little further.
 And then there is Kaleb.
Well.......need I say more. This is Kaleb.
Don't ask me what he is doing. I don't know what he is doing.
This is Kaleb.
Just kidding, Kaleb is in a funny part of his growing up years.
He makes me laugh at the goofy stuff he does.

 So have you figured out how Green Canyon got it's name?
 This is what a cutie patootie looks like on the trail.
We were doing okay until she thought that the
canyon reminded her of Sherwood Forest and started singing "Men in Tights". 
Of course then her Dad had to chime in.
I was hoping that no one heard.  It is a little embarassing
sometimes listening to him sing as loud as he can....
We are Men, Men in tights, tight tights,
we roam around the forest looking for fights.....
 Experiencing the seasons in Logan has been exciting.
Every month displays something different.
 The colors are vibrant.
We have definately enjoyed our first Spring in Logan.
I love it here.
We have been blessed with so much. 
It helps make the struggles feel a little easier.


Katherine said...

I want to hike Green Canyon, will you take me this summer? It is beautiful. Kaleb is a nut! How long is the hike? You need to hike Crimson Trail, it takes you to the top and you can see everything.

Az Lowe's said...

This is so Beautiful! Wow! Oh My!