Sunday, November 4, 2018

Finally Camping!

 Summer's are so busy with Kirk's work schedule flying out of town. It is hard trying to coordinate schedules between 5 adults in the house so we can spend the weekend together. It finally happened at the end of August. Boy did we need a break.
 Kaleb rode his bike from home into Smithfield Canyon and then convinced Victoria to bring her bike too. So they rode up to the trail head and back. Kaleb loves riding his bike. He can go forever and at top speed. So if you don't want to kill your legs, don't go bike riding with him.
 Henry is bummed because the other two dogs are off leash and he isn't. Actually, Henry cannot be trusted at all off leash. It's the terrier in him.
 I sat all day beside this stream. 
It drowned out the busyness of life and put it all back in to perspective.
 Jasper is trying to relax but birds kept dipping into the water and would put him on alert. He was pretty exhausted by the time we got home. He needed a vacation from the vacation.
 It is very unusual to see these two sitting still. I think we all needed a break.
 And with camping comes game time too.
 Kirk was breaking sticks to start a fire. Jasper decided he would help too. We had to be careful throwing any wood into the fire because Jasper wanted it.
 I would be happy if we could just camp the entire summer. Maybe when I retire I'll do that.

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