Sunday, November 4, 2018

Oktoberfest Figure Skating Competition

Victoria, practicing before her last performance of the Beast skating to Evermore. She has legs of steel. Her practice ice was in the morning but wasn't skating in her competition of Dramatic Showcase until 6pm. It's always good to get a practice ice in to get a feel for the ice at the ice rink. This rink was in Cottonwood Heights which is 2 hours from home.
 It took me an hour and 15 minutes to do her hair and makeup. We used 28 bobby pins to keep her horns in place. This is the last time that we will be doing Beast make-up. It should be a good competition.
Daphne always gets worn out and will just curl up like a cat and fall asleep.
We never tire of watching Victoria skate. It gets really crazy and expensive at times paying for the ice time, the coach fees, the costume, the driving to the competitions, competition fees, and then the skates! Holy Moly! Her last pair of arm-and-a-leg skates killed her feet. We finally just gave up on them and tossed them a side and ordered her a different brand. It was the best choice made. Not only were they a couple hundred dollars cheaper but they don't hurt her feet!
Like I said, Figure Skating can be very expensive if you let it!
She landed her flip, sow cow, and her toe loop perfectly......
the very disappointing part is that the music messed up horribly.
Obviously, the MP3 file got contorted and skipped a couple parts and then ended abruptly.
So after Nailing her performance for weeks in practice, she would have nailed it if the music hadn't gotten messed up.
She still managed to win 2nd place.
It was very heart breaking after all those hours spent preparing.
But.....I guess that's life for ya.
Victoria with her new coach Julie who is very pregnant with her 4th boy!
Julie has breathed life back into Victoria's skating experience. 
We are looking forward to a new year and new experiences!
This skater, skated as Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She asked Victoria if she could get a picture with the Beast! It was cute.

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