Monday, April 22, 2019

Spring is in the Air

Spring is in the Air when you have happy chickens!
Gertrude is one of our oldest chickens, she's the hostess with the mostess.
She's always checking to see if I have a treat for them.
The first thing on a chicken's agenda is a dust bath.
Spring also means that Lightning spends less time in doors. Not that he spent much time in doors as it is, but now we only see him if we are outside. I love that he can be in the pasture behind our property, and I will catch a glimpse of a black and white kitty. I can call to him from really far and he will jump the canal and come running all the way to where I am for a cuddle.
I love his cuddles. He's quite the purr monster.
Even though we still have snow in the forecast, I still managed to get our lettuce planted.
I love homegrown vegetables. One of these days I will have a green house so we can grow veges all year round. Some day....
We ordered two heritage turkey chicks with the intention of eating them. 
So Victoria has named one Thanksgiving and one Christmas. 
We'll see if it actually happens. They are very sweet. Everyone claims that turkeys are dumb but I have been reading and they really aren't. I found out that they are very farsighted so that is why they have a hard time seeing their food or where their food is located. And they like to fly. They are already spreading their wings in the rubbermaid tub that we have them in. When I check on them, the turkeys are the ones that stay put and look up at me with one eye.
Victoria ordered 4 Jersey Giant chicks with the intention of entering them in the 
Fair as a 4H project and then cull them for meat in the late Fall. 
Chicks are so cute!

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