Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Chiari Malformation

This has been quite a year already. Victoria has really struggled with some things. Things that were so easy before are now a challenge to get through. She is learning to not take anything or anyone for granted. Finding out about the Chiari Malformation was a blow. Almost knocked us off our feet when we were waiting the 4 weeks for them to decide whether she was going to have to have brain surgery or not. We had so many people praying for her. 
She had been upset with her self that she couldn't get anything done due to the Post-Concussion Syndrome and what if the Chiari was worse that she was thinking. 
I called up medical records and asked for a copy of her MRI so she could see what her head looked like to put her mind to rest. I am disappointed that both neurologist never showed her the pictures. I think it would have made so much more sense if she could have seen it. It helped when she sprained her MCL. That was the first thing the doctor showed her was what the MCL looked like sprained and what it was supposed to look like. That made a world of difference.
Sometimes, Moms just need to step in and do it themselves.

 Seeing this picture was a bit of a shocker. When they tell you that her cerebellum is sticking down through the foramen magnum, you're like, yeah, okay. I got it. We have looked at pictures of other people's chiari but seeing Victoria's was a reality check. It's pretty obvious. 
We are so thankful that she may never have to have brain surgery. She has plenty of space around the brain stem and the opening is big enough. The second neurologist we saw said it was okay for her to ride horses, snow board and ice skate. So obviously when the concussion is no longer an issue, she can get back to that active life that she strives for every day. For now, it's working through school at a much slower pace, getting everything done that she wants to do, when she can do it. Sleeping tons.....
Saying it's okay that she switches from Algebra (which she previously excelled in math) and resort to listening to Dave Ramsey CD's for the remainder of the year for math, watching the online video for her Ag Class three times before she can remember what she saw so she can write two paragraphs about it, and having enough energy when the boys get home after work so she can visit with them. This head injury has changed her life and who she is right now. 
The Chiari Malformation has changed her life and who she sees herself as right now. 
It has affected all of us as well. When she can't reason, we have to tell her to just go lay down and watch a movie if she won't go to bed. It takes all of us to help her manage her life to not over do it with too much stimulus, too much noise, too much light, don't flick your hair, go lay down, take your vitamins and herbs, are you okay???
We are constantly telling Jared to NOT TURN HER UPSIDE DOWN!

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