Saturday, June 6, 2020

Daphne's Scavenger Hunt

I bought Daphne this plant called "The Cat's Meow".
I planted it "somewhere" in our yard. I gave her the label stick and told her to go find it.
She hasn't found it yet. Maybe I should give her a prize or something if she finds it, even though the plant is kind of the prize. I might need to give her a hint. Our flower beds are quite large.

Dinner at Bear Lake

We packed up our dinner on a Friday Night and brought it to Bear Lake.
The drive through the canyon was beautiful.
Kirk cooked up the hot dogs and accidently dropped one on the ground.
Jasper was hungry the whole time because Victoria uses hot dogs as training treats for 4H.
She gave him the hot dog that fell on the ground and he honestly didn't know what to do with it.
It that was Henry he would have swallowed it whole. Jasper, he mouthed it a couple times, held it in his mouth like a cigar and finally chewed a hunk off. It was funny watching him figure it out.
The wind kicked up and the waves kicked up as well.
It was beautiful.
Victoria took this picture of Jasper.
Her buddy

We came through the canyon when it was dark. It was a little nerve wracking because deer were everywhere. You just hope that they don't jump out in front of you.
I think my neck was stiff by the time we got home because I felt like I was preparing myself for one to jump out in front of us. It didn't happen but they were so close to the road it was crazy. They could have easily done it.

Logan River

The weather has warmed up and is beautiful. Kirk decided to take a week off and get caught up with all the things that Spring brings. We were thinking of all this fun stuff to do that all involved physical activity and Victoria has not been doing well with this head injury concussion symptoms. 
So we ended up next to the Logan River and played she played Alien Hotshots with her Dad.
This is proof that Daphne came with us

Snow in May!

What the??
Our apple tree loves us.

Our Bees Swarmed!

We heard this really loud buzzing and knew that something was up with the bees. It was so loud. Our hive has swarmed. The queen has left the hive and got all her followers to go with her. 
We contemplated catching the swarm and putting them in our spare hive....
The boys have decided to wave goodbye to them. 
See ya
They have been in Instacare way too many times with huge allergic reactions requiring emergency medicine and us meeting them there to drive them home. Yeah, they are done.
So we said goodbye to honey too.
I'm sad, but relieved that the boys aren't going to be subjecting themselves to multiple bee stings no matter how much they protect themselves. It's like they have a magnet to bees now, or little signs that say "sting me". Hopefully, some ambitious person caught the swarm and stuck them in a hive.
 Free bees!

Spring has Sprung

When the tulips bloom it is official that Winter is over. No more snow.
Sometimes Winter feels so long. This winter was just weird. It wasn't anything we thought it would be. Between Victoria's MCL sprain and then her head injury, it all just rewrote our Winter.
We didn't do half the activities that we do in the snow. So now, I am just happy to see Spring is here.
Everything looks so fresh and clean and GREEN! 
Green is such a beautiful color with the little sprigs of yellow, red, white and pink.
I got up early before anyone was downstairs for the day and roamed around the yard.
The wild plums are going to be abundant this year.
The ladies are up early this morning.

The Great Camp-In

In honor of the Great Camp-In where you sleep outdoors, the boys participated on a very frosty night.
Jared slept on the deck to the play structure with plastic overhead to keep the frost off and Kaleb pitched his backpacking tent along with his Himalayan Prayer Flags that he found at
Global Village.
Jasper sat waiting for them to get up.
You can see the frost in the shade. 
These guys sleep in the snow so a little frost is nothing for them.
You wouldn't find me out there.

Easter Quarantine 2020

This has to be the weirdest Easter ever. 
We had to make our own Pancake breakfast to eat at home.
We attended Alpine Church online.
We were all home at once to dyed Easter eggs.
Jared dyed a couple eggs.
Did I mention that Jared dyed eggs too?
We ate Easter dinner alone as a family.
Yeah, it was weird but one thing for sure is that
God our Father in Heaven is still the same.
Jesus is still the same
and the Holy Spirit is still the same.
What a relief!

Bear Lake in April

The snow had melted,
we all have had cabin fever,
we've had enough of quarantine for covid-19, 
so we headed to Bear Lake after lunch on a beautiful Sunday!
The East beach is beautifully quiet.
Victoria walked with Jasper down the beach and freaked herself out when she 
came upon a dead deer on the bank. She was lost in thought....
This is proof that Daphne was with us
Kaleb has a tendancy to get us laughing just listening to him laugh.
He was instigating a MadLib. He got us all laughing. Sometimes, I don't 
even know what we are laughing at sometimes, but it was funny either way.
Sometimes when people see these two together they get them mixed up and call Jared, Kaleb and Kaleb, Jared. All you have to do is look at their clothes and you can tell them a part.
Kaleb wears all bright colors and Jared wears monochromatic blue-grey.