Saturday, November 1, 2008

AHHH, the Heat of Autumn

You know, we still have a hard time getting used to the fact that when you live in Arizona, Fall doesn't necessarily mean it will be cooler. There are no Fall color changes. At least not in Phoenix. I have yet to see a squirrel storing up nuts for that long winter. It really just means that you can open the doors and windows (in the morning and late evenings) and not have to shout..."close the door, the AC is on!" We are having record high temps right now. In the 90's! So I guess we will be enjoying shorts and t-shirts a bit longer. And yes, the AC is still on at times. And in a couple months we will be battling with the shoe issue. Every year we spend a good month convincing the youngest of the family (whoever that may be at the time) that you do have to wear shoes to go out to play. By the time the shoe issue is over, it doesn't matter because it has warmed up again and time for summer.

1 comment:

Carol said...

I love your pictures and your comments about stuff....I love you guys.