Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Pizza Garden

We decided to plant a Pizza Garden in the old tree ring in the front yard. It was our first day of beautiful weather. Perfect time to be outdoors. Daphne and Kaleb are hoping to germinate seeds of oregano, parsley, thyme, chives and basil.
Kaleb kept digging up enormous earthworms. He was so fascinated watching them slink through holes in the dirt. I picked up a dirt clod and one was inching through the corner of it. It was really spooky looking.

Kaleb planted Bell Peppers. Victoria planted Cherry tomatoes and Fat Boy tomatoes. I barely did anything. The kids layed down the "slices" and planted the veggies. Victoria put extra rocks out for the pepperoni. Hopefully everything grows like it is supposed to and we will have enough ingredients to make a pizza! Yum! Now I'm hungry!

1 comment:

Katherine said...

I planted basil twice and when it finally began to grow it was froze. Bummer, I wanted to make pesto with it. I did manage Chocolate Mint, that was fun, but it died when I brought that into the house when it got too cold. That is so odd that you are planting and my gardening season is over.