Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Spring Hollow

I have been attempting to get everyone out of doors each week for a hike or a nature study of some sort. We are anticipating winter approaching and all the snow that will come with it wishing that we all had snowshoes to continue our long walks. We love being outside but find it hard sometimes with the bussiness of life. It is easy to forget what is really important in our day.
Kirk found himself with a bad headache ramping up before he even left for work that morning. He came home an hour later and slept well into the day. He managed to put himself together for this hike. I am glad he did. I think I talked his ear off which I desperately needed. Someone to hear me. I probably made his head feel worse. He definately got an ear full of life in the beautiful fall colors. It was just before dusk as we watched numerous strands of spider webs floating across the sunlight high above our heads. Daphne kept asking "where?" We told her that she would have to trust that they are there. She just couldn't see them.
I love the bright shades of yellow against the damp, black earth.
I love Fall.

1 comment:

Carol said...

These are beautiful pictures. It must be fun to be able to get out doors.