Thursday, January 21, 2016

Friday Outing

I love our Friday outings.
What better way to the great outdoors.
We have been discussing winter survival and what the animals
 as well as humans do to survive in freezing temperatures.
We have also been keeping out eyes out for animal tracks.
We saw where deer slept at night and where a deer mouse skittered across 
the trail and into it's hiding place.
 Whenever we head out, I can always count on my Eagle Scout
 to have everything we need if we get stranded out on the mountain.
Even though we were only in Green Canyon it was good knowing that 
we probably had everything that we needed in his day pack.
 The fun part about Fridays is we bring Nana with us. She keeps us entertained.
This was her first time out on snowshoes. 
She went to step around a lady and three dogs on the trail, 
stepped on her own snowshoe and fell over.
We spent the next ten minutes laughing our heads off trying to get her back upright.
It was pretty funny. I can still laugh about it even now thinking about it.
 Every time I turned around Victoria was eating.

 Where Kaleb is standing the snow was actually a couple feet deep. If he hadn't been wearing snowshoes he would have sunk up to his knees. 

It was absolutely beautiful. 

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