Sunday, June 3, 2018

Hiking Jardine Juniper Trail

We played hookey from church to hike the Jardine Juniper Trail.
We met God on his turf.
 Daphne is always cold so she was dressed for rain...just in case.
 Victoria is always right between her brothers.
 We could see a huge thunder cloud approaching. 
We all brought rain gear....except Victoria. 
She still needs a rain jacket. 
 Kirk and I decided that the only way we were going to get any time alone and 
for me to not push my knee too hard since it is still healing from last 
summer's backpacking trip with the boys, was for us to
let the kids go on ahead for a while and we would hang out on a log and 
talk until they came back. It was nice just catching up especially because the next 
day he was to be on the plane to Arizona for work.
 We had to make them promise that they wouldn't leave 
Daphne on the trail somewhere, to keep her with them.
 It was quite warm until the clouds rolled in along with the thunder.
Either way it was a great way for Kirk and I to celebrate our birthdays,
spending time as a family and quiet time alone in the woods.

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