Friday, November 22, 2019

New Friends

Blossom and Ezmerelda are our newest furry additions to our animal clan.
The goats were especially fascinated by them and discovered quickly that they ate food that they want. They have mastered sticking their heads deep into their feeding hutch to 
lick any fallen alfalfa pellets that they might be able to reach.
 Both bunnies have gotten out twice and both times, they have returned. 
Christmas (the turkey) will make a fine dinner...
actually, we really like him. He is a very nice turkey and his head and beard are very soft to the touch.
Though the chickens don't like it when he accidentally steps on them and they can't move, squawking for dear life until he moves his foot. (update...Thanksgiving is only 6 days away and Christmas and Thanksgiving (our other turkey) are still walking around on two feet which means that there isn't going to be any turkey for Thanksgiving unless "somebody" goes out and does something about it!)
Chloe Belle and Blossom checking each other out for the first time.

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