Friday, November 22, 2019

T-Touch Target Training

Most people won't keep billy goats, because....well, they are stinky, they pee on their face, they blubber, and will bull you over every chance they get. I have stopped going into my baby's pen because all he wants to do is head butt my shins. He is just too strong for me.
Our friend Jill taught Victoria how to train Jacks using Target Teaching, with phenomenal results!
He is so much easier to handle now!
He sees her with the target and would rather come touch the target to get his treat then some mischievous move that ends up in a fight with a goat with horns.
Victoria compiled all her results and entered it into the Science Fair for her Agriculture Class at the high school and got First Place! Woo Hoo, way to go Jacks and Victoria!

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