Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Darn Cat!

 Thunder has a bad habit of playing with her food! She brought in two mice into the house to play with and then let them go. We spent 8 weeks trying to catch one, which we did, thinking that was the only one until we watched her staring at the oven. In cat terms that means there was still a mouse in the house, scurrying between the ground floor and the basement. And since we don't currently have base boards, it is easy for it to squeeze through the ton of holes in the floor to escape. I have to say that we have never had a mouse chew a tunnel into an entire loaf of bread before. Pretty amazing if you think about it. Lightning on the other hand will just eat the mouse. Actually, he bites the heads off and leaves part of it on the rug by the door. We told them to do their job, it just took a while and required snap traps. Currently, our house is Mouse Free!

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