Monday, December 28, 2020

You Gotta See This!

We lived with this disgusting bathroom for 5 whole years!
We drew the line of tolerance when the ceiling was about to let go and fall in on us which I frequently worried that it would do when I was in the shower. It never did. Whew! And then the overhead light kept flickering. We knew that the wiring was the original wiring wrapped with cloth. We felt it was a disaster waiting to happen.
NOW look at how beautiful this bathroom is. It was a joint effort. Jared was the brains behind the whole operation. He, being the contractor. Kaleb custom bent the shower curtain with Poppa supervising, because you know, we couldn't do anything standard. Kirk was the plumber and electrician and the grunt numerous times. I was the cook and clean up crew, and the designer. 
I requested a light in the linen closet, done, ship lap walls, I got Tongue and Groove (it's beautiful), I got wood ceramic tile, done, I wanted the shower with a rock floor and wood walls, like I'm outside. Got it! 
I love the shower! I escape every day. It's like I'm camping every day. 
A few years ago Jared brought this beautiful pedestal sink home from a house they were remodeling. The guy just wanted to throw it away so my genius son, loaded it in the back of his truck and brought it home. I kept looking at it in the shop wondering if it was ever going to be installed. OH! the bifold door is GONE! The boys installed the basement door into the bathroom. Awesome! AND, I wanted a shelf for all my things like the plants and clock. Jared built the window sill along the whole wall. Now we don't have to worry about the ceiling falling. 


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