Sunday, February 21, 2021


I can easily escape the happenings of life in our own backyard. It's pretty quiet out there, until the goats see me and then they all have to chatter at once. And I usually end up cleaning up pony poop into the wheel barrel only to have to have someone push it through the snow to be dumped into our compost pile. 
This was a rare moment and I am sure you have never seen horse poop frozen to the fence. How did it get there in the first place, you might ask. Brody is always investigating what I am up to and he caught sight  of this wad of manure stuck to the fence. He looked at it like, "what the heck is that?" I think after he sniffed it he recognized it and lost interest in it. It was kind of funny. He looked at me and kind of shrugged it off.
The boys love to escape into the Tortoise yard to play tug. Jasper does a pretty good job of keeping Merk preoccupied. He will fling the rope into Merk's face to get his attention. 
I thought this was cute, they caught sight of something in opposite directions.

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