Sunday, October 10, 2021

Baby Goats are the BEST

Mama Paisley is a pretty noisy gal. She is extremely talkative. She was literally born hollering! So when she was about to give birth, I left my window open as usual to listen for her hollering. Lizzy always cried out when she was giving birth so I figured that for sure Paisley would be really loud.
I thought wrong. She was as quiet as can be. Whenever baby goats are due to be born, I barely sleep. I wake at the slightest sound. Paisley was super quiet, never made a peep. And then I heard the tiniest little baby sound. I jumped out of bed announcing...We have babies!!! Victoria and I ran outside to help if needed. Paisley had given birth to all 3 of her babies. All by herself! I was so impressed. And they were all so quiet. 
This is Sebastian. He looks the most like Jacks. Victoria taught him to fist bump on his third day of life.
This little cutie looks just like Mama Paisley, so we named her Petunia. She was probably the most vocal out of the three.
This little guy is Ollie. He was the smallest and ended up growing to be the largest. We, at first thought we were going to have to bottle feed this one. We didn't think Paisley could feed three babies. She actually did and they grew big and strong. Paisley turned out to be a really good Mama Goat. I'm proud of her.

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