Sunday, October 10, 2021

Happy Birthday Jasper

Jasper turned 4, June 16th. Victoria baked him a dog friendly cake. It had yougart, peanut butter and banana and then all the regular ingredients for a cake. She was all excited. She frosted it with a peanut butter frosting. It smelled really weird when it was baking but either way, she was excited to have birthday cake with Jasper. Heehee.
Jasper is literally her best friend. She will do anything for Jasper. Since her head injury, he has become very protective of her. It has been interesting to see how it all happened. He knows when she isn't feeling well. He's sensitive that way.
Jasper loved his cake. He thought it was delicious!!
Victoria was determined to enjoy birthday cake with Jasper. So she got out plates and was wanting to serve up cake to everyone. I declined. I just couldn't bring myself to eat Peanut butter cake. That's just too weird. But Victoria was all in to eating cake, until the first bite. I love the look on Jasper's face. It's priceless. He saying, "Don't you like it Victoria? It's really good huh?"
She almost died, it tasted so weird. Not quite what she was expecting which made us laugh all the more. Jared, who can eat almost anything, just had to try a piece of cake. He is so heavy handed with Jasper. He will grab him and not let him go, freaking Jasper out. Henry used to love it when Jared did that but Jasper is always not sure about anything Jared does. So I thought it was funny the way Jasper is watching Jared eat his cake!
Jasper looks pretty satisfied that Jared ate his cake!


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