Saturday, October 9, 2021

Ding - Dongs

Some how Victoria and I got on the topic of Ding-Dongs. I can't remember how or what we were talking about. I told her about the little things that I would sculpt from the little tin foil wrapper, wrapped around a Ding-Dong. Later the same day we happened to be at Lee's Supermarket, so we picked up a box of Ding-Dongs. I have to say that as an adult, I have only bought about two boxes of Ding-Dongs. I just could never feed my kids Ding-Dongs, other than just having the opportunity of trying a Ding-Dong so they had the experience of something that I am sorry to say, I had quite a few growing up. OH! I remember now what we were talking about! I was telling Victoria about the Burro in the middle of Death Valley that was super friendly. He stuck his head through my Mom's window of the Jeep that had zipper windows and nabbed one of our Ding-Dongs and ATE it foil and all!! That's when Victoria claimed to not know what I was talking about because she had never had a Ding-Dong before!
We remedied the situation. Now she has officially had a Ding-Dong.
We both agreed that it wasn't a super significant experience.
Okay, the crazy part was they were a fraction of the original size that I remembered AND they were not wrapped in FOIL! They were teeny and wrapped in clear plastic cellophane!! So dissappointing!

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