Sunday, March 27, 2022


To know Kaleb is to know that there is never a dull moment. 
This hoodie says it all.
Over the years I have empowered our kids to stand up for themselves and speak their mind.
I had no idea that Covid would bring out a part of people that would create opportunities for my kids to speak their mind.
Kaleb invested in a new sleeping bag and of course he had to test it out. Camping in the snow is one of his favorite things to do. He takes Scouts every year to do snow camping. He twists Jared's arm to go along as well. He does it but doesn't like it like Kaleb does.
Kaleb reminds me of an elf. Every winter, both the boys grow their hair long for the purpose of staying warm. So they always look scruffy every winter. This guy turned 22 this year. I think the monsters on his German Chocolate Chip cake represent him and the spunk that he brings our lives very well. 


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