Sunday, March 27, 2022

Random Events

We were posting Cache Cowboy Church flyers up on USU campus and came across these twig structures. They are so sturdy. I wonder what it would be like to live in something like this.
Black Light Agility is a highlight to our 4H year. The kids add glow in the dark tape to all the equipment and we point about 10 black lights towards all the dog agility equipment. One of the families brought glow in the dark face paint. I hadn't realized that Victoria had put some on Jasper. It actually looked pretty neat. The kids really enjoy this event. Whatever makes them happy.
It's kind of hard to see this but Sammy is curled up on clean clothes and in Victoria's backpackers chair. Notice his bed is in the background....empty. I was looking for him, knowing that he was in the room because I did see him go into her room. I had to turn on the light. I still couldn't see him at first and then I see these old, tired eyes watching me. Sammy is 14 1/2 years old.
This is a monumental occasion. Victoria asked for me to drive her to the store to buy white nail polish. She is wearing nail polish! We were all shocked. Which is why she is giving me "the face".
Cousin Rich has started a new job. He started his adult life as a plumber, then he did Handyman work for quite a while and now after having shoulder surgery he has started driving Trucks. It was awesome that he was in Logan and we got to see him on the spur of the moment. I love him. We are always so happy to see him.
It always amazes me what you find sticking into the ceiling of the ice rink. Notice the two hockey pucks stuck to the ceiling. I think they are on screw ends that are poking through the roof. I've never seen them stuck to the ceiling. I usually see them sitting up on the rafters but never stuck to the ceiling.
Can you see them?
The other morning I pulled open the freezer and found this sitting in there. I questioned the people in the kitchen. Jared has a knack for melting butter beyond recognition.


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