Sunday, March 27, 2022

Snowshoeing Tony's Grove

The girls and I went snowshoeing in Tony's Grove in February.
Even with snowshoes, we sunk about a foot with each step so Daphne and I saved our energy and made Victoria go first. The bad part was that we had to follow her wherever she went even if it was zigzagged or in deeper areas over pockets around tall bushes.

The past couple years after her head injury, Victoria will just drop when she is tired. Her heart rate goes sky high with dysautonomia and she just gives up and drops. Here she got tired and just flopped into the snow and then just rested where she fell.
I refused to follow her there. She sunk up to her waist. I was afraid that if I fell that far I wouldn't be able to crawl out of where I was. There really wasn't anything to grab on to where she was so I tromped over to where there were a row of trees. I sunk in and got my snowshoe stuck under a branch. But I was able to pull myself out because I had a tree to hang on to. It was kind of funny. 
What are the odds of finding a heart hanging in a tree.


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