Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Personal Contractors

Jared is an official, licensed Contractor, which means we have our own contractor living in our house. I love to watch these guys work. Not only do they work really well together, but it is also sometimes entertaining listening to them talk to each other. They just installed sheet rock to the ceiling! So no more fear of plaster falling off the ceiling!
A midnight visitor. For the past two years I thought we had mouse poop on our front porch. I guess not.
They throughly enjoyed ripping out the shower/tub. I was pretty happy to see it go except for the part of not having a shower for two weeks after. We took showers at Nana's. Kirk poured a bucket of water on himself in the backyard for two weeks. 
Henry seeking peace and quiet.
Jared was plastering and dropped a humongous blob on his foot.  


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