Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Rockland Idaho

The girls and I spent a wonderful afternoon in Rockland at our dear friend Rachael and her adorable little boy. It was an afternoon of dogs and horses. I love how Silas is patiently waiting for Victoria and Rachael to arrive on the ATV. Really, he is waiting so he chase them!
Rachael turned Victoria loose on the ATV. She drove it up and down their driveway, which is really a dirt road on their 40 acres of property. It worked out because if she were to walk the distance, it would have wiped her out due to the medical condition that she has.
Rachael has taught Victoria about Connection Training. So they were practicing the techniques with her horses, Rowan and Frea.
Of course her Ram, Ramses wanted to get in on all the attention too.
He looks more like a goat than a sheep to me, but he's a sheep.
I got to push little Ren around while he took a nap.
It was pure bliss.
There they go again, with Silas leading the way!
I'm in heaven.....
Victoria and Daphne were working with Rowan. I like Rachael's vest that Victoria is wearing. She has the pockets all stuffed with hay as a treat to reward him. 

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