Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Preston Biathlon

From the time Kaleb was just a little preschooler, he had the endurance of a kid, 10 years older than him. He would sneak in with the big kid's PE class at Roadrunner park and run with the Highschoolers. It doesn't surprise me that he has conditioned himself to bike/run 17 miles.
Oh, and he doesn't do Spandex. He has the most hilarious interpretation of the Spandex Slap. 
It's pretty funny.
He is also the only biker/runner who lugs a daypack. He says his essentials are in there.
This guy behind him was participating in the triathlon while Kaleb was doing the biathlon. This guy pushed it the last bit and actually finished a split second before Kaleb. The bad part was this guy was hurting because of it. I was actually watching him because he didn't look too good. It took him about 5 minutes to actually move once he had stopped.
Kaleb tipped his bike for the picture to discover that his water bottle was open.
He is getting quite a collection of bike race pictures. 
He finished the race in 1 hour 10 min. Not bad for his first Biathlon!

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