Sunday, January 9, 2022

July in January

This past year , wait, this past two years has been pretty rough. It started with Victoria's head injury, Chiari Malformation and Dysautonomia, then Daphne was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease this summer. She lost almost all of her hair and was wasting away. Several trips to the ER, Urgent Care and many doctor appointments. And then we remodeled our kitchen that was supposed to take 2 weeks and ended up taking 10 weeks, and then we all got sick in December. Looking back at this past summer, it feels like so long long ago. 
Brody looks so little with Victoria. He has come a long way through lots of training. We sure have learned a lot about how to train a horse and gain trust. He's so worth all our efforts.
MerkTavitch is the funniest dog. He loves to cuddle and you can do almost anything to him, like make him wear glasses.
Jasper on the other hand gets self conscious when you try to take his picture. I found him sleeping on the bed under the fan. He's not going to move but he's wondering if it's okay that he is on the bed.
These two have a love hate relationship. Merk loves to lick Thunder's head, ears, feet....and she lets him.
This is the funniest thing. Merk has a bell hanging by the back door so when he wants to go outside, he rings the bell. So he will ring the bell and then rest his head on the bench waiting for you to let him out. Don't you love the spray foam oozing out of the door jam? Or how about the exposed insulation above the light switch? or the plywood floor? It's not like that anymore. We now have the door stained, trim, wood floor and walls done.
Kaleb cracks me up. He eats constantly. Anyone who works with Kaleb notices that he is always eating. He recently ordered a dog treat pouch to put on his tool belt to hold all of his snacks so he will have them on him all the time. He wanted a bigger lunch box so he found this VW bus Box. 
This is definitely Kaleb's dog. Merk does the funniest things. He loves to run his body through the curtains and looks at me through them. He does this almost every morning while I am in the bathroom getting ready for the day. Maybe this is part of his morning routine as well?


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