Friday, January 7, 2022

The Rest of July

This past summer we moved from replacing our own water line to the city replacing the water line that fills the tank from the canal. We had dirt everywhere and it wasn't too fun dealing with the city. I think the Mayor of Hyde Park about had it with me. I made several calls asking for them to come back and bring road base. People were getting stuck in mud out in front of our house and then the dirt settled creating a trench. They didn't even do a very good job on the sidewalk. I had had enough by the time it was all done. Hopefully in the Spring, the grass will grow back.
All of these Sunflowers were volunteers. I didn't plant any of them.
We harvested quite a bit out of our garden this year but the green beans just kept growing. We had lots of green beans. They tasted pretty good too.
I complained enough that they brought rollers out to level the easement. Like I said, the Mayor wasn't too thrilled with me. But our neighbor was pretty happy that I got them to come back and level his driveway as well. There was a foot drop on either side of the sidewalk that they fixed.
Susanna was in the States visiting family from England where she is now living. We brought her out to the jobsite that Jared and Kaleb were working so they could see her before she drove back to Salt Lake City. It was really fun to see her. Kaleb was only 5 months old when we met Susanna and her family. We love them all.

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