Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Mantua Lake

So, how would you pronounce Mantua?
Can you believe that it is pronounced Man-a-way?
I doesn't make sense.
Ever since leaving California near the beach, Kirk and I have been searching for a place near water that we could spend our time as a family. We never found a place in Arizona that we could easily get to.
We love Cache Valley. We have found many places to visit that are practically in our backyard. We enjoy our time spent at Mantua canoeing, kayaking and sitting on the beach reading books....or taking naps. I love being outside, and I'm glad my family does too.
The first time we went to Mantua, the kids and I left Kirk at home to work on freelance. Just minutes after we staked our claim on the beach the boys took off in the canoe and Daphne in her new kayak to row the perimeter of the lake. I didn't know of course and after a while I lost visible contact. I didn't have a pair of binocculars and couldn't call them on a cell phone. They were gone three hours which made me really worried. Only because I wasn't sure if Daphne could get make it that far. So now we have this.....
A waterproof box for Jared's phone. So now I can use the binoculars to watch who ever is out on the lake and they can check their phone to see how long they have been gone.
We have made many trips this summer to the lake and have mentally refreshed upon leaving.
I love that my boys are such great brothers. They have their moments though..... I think I like the kayak better. I like to do my own thing.
Mr. Smarty Pants modeling his mother's sun hat, speaking in an English accent. Sigh...


Carol said...

These are great photos Pam, the children are growing up so fast and they are so beautiful and happy.

Katherine said...

I want you to take us there some time looks like a great place