Sunday, December 18, 2011

Winter Wonderland

 We are learning what it means to live in the
Cache Valley.
We woke up to ice crystals all over the trees.
It is absolutely beautiful!
 This is the street that our church is on. 
At the very end of the street you can just barely see the old railroad station.
 This cat was taking its dear sweet time sauntering across the street.
And then it stopped in the opposing lane and watched us drive by.
You gotta wonder what cats are thinking.
We are loving it here.
This is right outside of the church steps.
We know that God has a plan for us.
He is taking care of us in the midst of what should be the worst time
of our lives without jobs.
By the way, the highs today were a whole 23 degrees!
Makes me wonder what tonight will drop to.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

It is beautiful when everything is coated with ice crystals, like a winter wonderland....magical. BUT...I wish you could experience a real winter snow storm. They are the best. They are quiet but raging and transforming the outdoors.