Saturday, November 16, 2013


I blinked and realized that two weeks have flown by.
Victoria had high hopes for a costume this year. With limited funding for a costume we talked her into being a scarecrow. We "thought" we still had Kaleb's old costume but quickly we had sold it in a yard sale before we moved. Oops. Well, nothing that can't be remedied from a trip to the thrift store. Along with a couple dollar store crows. She looked pretty cute.

 A blast from the past! It was very disturbing to the kids for them to see their Dad dressed this way. Everyone at work was dressing up in the art department. Some people really got into it.
 This is Jared's costume. A pumpkin. I think I have a picture somewhere of my Dad doing the same thing with a pumpkin. Actually, Jared did dress up. He wore a button down shirt with a collar.
 Jared volunteered to hand out candy. In this neighborhood little kids start walking around while it is still light out. It has taken us two years to figure this out. This time we were prepared. It is neat to see Jared interact with the little "tater tots"(that is what he calls little kids). He even had to untangle a necklace out of a little girls hair. Some of the kids thought he was a Dad because he is so tall.
 Daphne loves to dress up still. Victoria was panicing that she was going to be the only one but we reassured her that as long as her sister had legs, she would still dress up.
 Daphne and I came up with this costume for Kaleb. He is very interested in the job of being a part of the Hazmat Crew. We couldn't resist even though Kaleb hates the idea of "dressing up and looking like a dork". He not only got best costume at our co-op but almost all the adults that he saw wanted to know where he got a Hazmat uniform. I told him that next year he didn't have to dress up. This was the last tormenting year of wearing a costume.
 We had so many pumpkins that we were secretly delivering them to our neighbors. Of course they figured out where they came from. It was actually fun having so many because everytime Victoria asked if she could carve another pumpkin, we just said "sure, go ahead".

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