Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Look Who's Four!

Tada! Victoria is 4! We celebrated all day. She even was served a heart shaped peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Every 4 year olds dream. We love birthdays. It reminds me how special each of us are in God's eyes. We are all perfectly made. And how precious little babies are, even when they grow up to be 4! We have been blessed with 4 wild and crazy years with this little girl. She can be the spice of life. Maybe that is why she loves the cooking show so much.
She had a cupcake on her real birthday October 20th, but will have her party on Sat. She and Daphne are going to share a party. Well, Victoria's portion is going to be a cooking party. Pictures soon to come. Daphne turns 16 on Saturday the 25th. October is a busy month for us. I would like to bottle my childrens littleness to take out on a rainy day. I guess that is why we have video cameras. Happy Birthday Victoria!

1 comment:

Stephenson said...

Happy Birthday from all the Stephensons! Yey!!!!