Saturday, April 21, 2012


Spring in our new home is absolutely amazing.
Now don't get me wrong.  God can sprout new growth in any environment.
We have enjoyed many spring flowers and new growth in the desert.
After some good rain all winter the desert was beautiful.
Spring here? Is amazing.
We moved here when the leaves had already turned all shades of yellow, red and orange.
So we had no idea what Spring would bring.
 This morning was very quiet,
so I set out walking to take pictures down the street of the many trees that are flowering.
I was out and back before anyone even noticed that I was gone.
The dogs didn't even know. Ha!

 This white tree below is at the library.
 The girls and I decided that Nana would love to see these trees.

 I love this picture with the tulips facing into the morning warmth of the sun.
It is like they are all basking together in beauty.
What a surprise Spring has brought to our family.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

The white blossomed tree is absolutely beautiful. Popcorn popping on the apricot tree, is a primary song the children sing at church. Amazing photos Pam