Monday, August 25, 2008

Don't tip us over

I think Grandpa is a little worried that the kids are going to tip the canoe. They sure were having a lot of fun. The girls figured out that it was fun to swim with the life jackets on. At one point Kirk had only Victoria and Kaleb in the canoe with the paddles. Kirk just sat on the floor in the middle and let the two little ones go where ever. It was hilarious. Of course they were paddling independently so they pretty much went in zig zag and circles. I just had to laugh. Sometimes it feels like that going through life with little kids. You never know where they may take you. And what a cool Dad to just release control and let them do it. I would have been probably telling them where to go. HeeHee


Katherine said...

Kirk is good guy, they are hard to find these days. I am so grateful for Troy because he loves the Lord and his family before anything else. What more could you ask for.

Carol said...

That looks like so much fun. The picture makes me feel like I am sitting on the shore watching this take place in person. Yeah. Kirk is a great dad. I love to listen to Kirk tell stories. We had such a good time with you guys.